Link to American Whitewater,. Act
What would be their benefit to infringe upon our Property Rights in Virginia?
Now For Virginia Stream Access posted January 21, 2014 by Kevin Colburn
Attention Virginia Paddler!
If you want to help improve the stream access situation in Virginia, here is your chance! Virginia Senator David W. Marsden (D) has introduced a stream access bill, SB 629, with broad support from the paddling community. This bill marks an improvement upon last year’s SB737, and better meets the public interest in river enjoyment while addressing concerns of other interests.
"What our generation has forgotten is that the system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is only because the control of the means of production is divided among many people acting independently that nobody has complete power over us, that we as individuals can decide what to do with ourselves." - Friedrich A. Hayek - Author of "The Road to Serfdom" Act
What would be their benefit to infringe upon our Property Rights in Virginia?
Now For Virginia Stream Access posted January 21, 2014 by Kevin Colburn
Attention Virginia Paddler!
If you want to help improve the stream access situation in Virginia, here is your chance! Virginia Senator David W. Marsden (D) has introduced a stream access bill, SB 629, with broad support from the paddling community. This bill marks an improvement upon last year’s SB737, and better meets the public interest in river enjoyment while addressing concerns of other interests.
"What our generation has forgotten is that the system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is only because the control of the means of production is divided among many people acting independently that nobody has complete power over us, that we as individuals can decide what to do with ourselves." - Friedrich A. Hayek - Author of "The Road to Serfdom"
Right to Trespass bill.
Thanks everyone for your Prayers, calls, letters. Although we were at a disadvantage with both in and out of state Environmental and Paddling Groups, The Right to Trespass Law was defeated.
The Constitution of The United States and The Constitution of Virginia was upheld! The Senate upheld our Property Rights! Well mostly, there were 10 that may differ on this! Thank the Senators, especially our own Bill Stanley that stood for the people! Also thank Charles Poindexter for his help! Pray for those that have lost their way, to see the light of Liberty! Together we stand!
SB 629 Navigation on certain waters; liability of persons recreationally floating upon certain waters.floor: 01/30/14 Senate: Read third time and defeated by Senate (10-Y 30-N)
YEAS--Barker, Ebbin, Edwards, Favola, Howell, Marsden, McEachin, Miller, Petersen, Saslaw--10.
NAYS--Alexander, Black, Carrico, Colgan, Cosgrove, Deeds, Garrett, Hanger, Lewis, Locke, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, McDougle, McWaters, Newman, Norment, Obenshain, Puckett, Puller, Reeves, Ruff, Smith, Stanley, Stosch, Stuart, Vogel, Wagner,
§ 29.1-745.1. Navigation on certain waters.
No person shall be liable for civil or criminal trespass for travel upon a nontidal river, stream, or creek with a drainage area of at least seven square miles within the Commonwealth if the travel consists solely of floating in or upon the water in a nonmotorized vessel for purposes of recreation. Nothing in this section shall be construed to change existing ownership rights in real property or to allow travel upon any waters where prohibited by law.
Thanks everyone for your Prayers, calls, letters. Although we were at a disadvantage with both in and out of state Environmental and Paddling Groups, The Right to Trespass Law was defeated.
The Constitution of The United States and The Constitution of Virginia was upheld! The Senate upheld our Property Rights! Well mostly, there were 10 that may differ on this! Thank the Senators, especially our own Bill Stanley that stood for the people! Also thank Charles Poindexter for his help! Pray for those that have lost their way, to see the light of Liberty! Together we stand!
SB 629 Navigation on certain waters; liability of persons recreationally floating upon certain waters.floor: 01/30/14 Senate: Read third time and defeated by Senate (10-Y 30-N)
YEAS--Barker, Ebbin, Edwards, Favola, Howell, Marsden, McEachin, Miller, Petersen, Saslaw--10.
NAYS--Alexander, Black, Carrico, Colgan, Cosgrove, Deeds, Garrett, Hanger, Lewis, Locke, Lucas, Marsh, Martin, McDougle, McWaters, Newman, Norment, Obenshain, Puckett, Puller, Reeves, Ruff, Smith, Stanley, Stosch, Stuart, Vogel, Wagner,
§ 29.1-745.1. Navigation on certain waters.
No person shall be liable for civil or criminal trespass for travel upon a nontidal river, stream, or creek with a drainage area of at least seven square miles within the Commonwealth if the travel consists solely of floating in or upon the water in a nonmotorized vessel for purposes of recreation. Nothing in this section shall be construed to change existing ownership rights in real property or to allow travel upon any waters where prohibited by law.
2014-15 Budget
County Government and the School Board should realize; they have a spending problem and should work with the resources they have. There is still time to reduce the proposed appropriations before our final vote on the Budget in June. Let’s limit spending to equal revenue; operating on savings is not in the people’s interest.
County Government and the School Board should realize; they have a spending problem and should work with the resources they have. There is still time to reduce the proposed appropriations before our final vote on the Budget in June. Let’s limit spending to equal revenue; operating on savings is not in the people’s interest.
” state Secretary of Finance Ric Brown said. “Go to a place like Danville, a place that’s got high unemployment; you will find that its traditional economic base — textiles, furniture — left in recession and hasn’t come back and it isn’t coming back.”
My Commitment to you!
"watchdog against higher taxes" “I’ve kept my promise not to raise taxes while in Office, and I haven’t,” Hayden said of his time on the county’s five-member governing board. Hayden believes the supervisors should keep real estate taxes stable, but said citizens need to understand that tax cuts must be accompanied by slashing the county’s budget. Any reductions should occur “in areas that least affect the majority,” he said. “People tell me they are not willing or financially able to pay higher taxes or fees” and are struggling to provide basic needs to their families, Hayden said of avoiding further burdens on county resources. Private sector tell me they have lost their good jobs and now are at lower wage and part time. While Public Sector (tax paid supported have )kept their jobs and received pay increases. So why should private sector be expected to pay more taxes? "County Debt" Patrick should avoid going into debt, since its debt-service-to-revenues ratio is at its limit. “As a young man born on a dirt farm, I quickly learned to do the best with what God gave me.” "Jobs" Patrick has not been immune from the financial distress that has affected governmental units all over the country, and this remains a challenge, according to Hayden, who worked for nearly 40 years in local industries and is in his mid-60s. He considers job growth the top priority, especially given the county’s poverty status. “Two-thirds of our children live below the poverty line and even a larger percentage are borderline. This is a direct relationship of their parents losing jobs due to the demise of tobacco, textile and furniture industries.” "Telecommunications" also has worked to increase Patrick County’s connectivity to high-speed Internet service, which has progressed from 20 to 95 percent in coverage and encourage Cellular Companies to invest in more towers in Rural Patrick. "Education" The supervisors aren’t trying to run the schools, but want to ensure “quality, cost-effective education,” said Hayden, who has two grown children who are products of Patrick schools. “Once the board of supervisors approves the money the school board ,it’s up to the school board to spend the funds.”Wisely! "Public Safety" continue improvements in county safety and school mobile communications, and said a plan is in motion to construct a new tower in the Dan River District to fill voids in service. Hayden wants to see addressed involves the paving of roads in the Dan River District. It has 90 miles of dirt routes that are maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation, more than the other four districts in the county combined. Reach Tom Joyce at 719-1924 or [email protected]. © 2013 |
Patrick County budget adopted by Board of Supervisors . 4-1 Hayden voted against!
![]() Last night Patrick County adopted the 2013-2014 budget. Another in a pattern of deficit budgets, this one aprox 1.5 Million$ in the hole.
Kicked the can down the road again, until the savings are gone. What are their plans? Raise taxes another 24 cents on the Levy or cut spending? County is broke, State has cut contributions to the County, Economy is at rock bottom, services continue to cost more, people are not willing nor financially able to pay more taxes! We must stop spending money we do not have! Authorized and paid for by Hayden4Supervisor, Roger T Hayden |